Thursday, July 19, 2007

Fergie gets embarassed by her mom...

Fergie was in the middle of an interview with KissFM dj Ryan Seacrest when he suprised her with a suprise guest, her mom! Her mom began to immediatly ask and confront Fergie with questions about the stripper pole which Josh Duhamel had told a magazine the couple had installed in their new Hollywood Hills home. Josh had previously stated,
"Fergie is taking lessons, but she won't get on it until she knows what she's doing, because she doesn't want to look stupid."
Fergie, clearly embarassed, didn't let the suprise ruin her sense of humor. She replied by saying that she's in Europe on tour, and that she wouldn't know for sure if there was a stripper pole installed until she gets home, adding,
"I guess we'll know in a few days."

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