Monday, July 9, 2007

Clay's Aiken for a fight...

Clay Aiken had a rough weekend trip, getting in a spat with a woman on a flight to Oklahoma. Apparently Aiken had his foot on her armrest, and she got offended. Now Aiken, you know you don't go to putting your feet on an armrest. A-r-m rest. For arms, honey. Nevertheless, she shoved him after some words were thrown around, and a federal agent took notice to the spat, alleviating any terrorist activity that may have been posed as a threat by a burned out former idol contestant and middleaged menopausal housewife. Isn't it obvious that Aiken plainly doesn't like women, especially after that whole Kelly Ripa fued and now this? It's plainly ridiculous, and purely rude of him to be putting his feet on the armrest. Call us the dixie Chicks of bloggers, but we here at Charm Flakes are just plumb ashamed Aiken is from North Carolina. Save your letters, we're not changing our minds on this one.

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