Sunday, July 8, 2007

J.Lo and Posh still feel ugly inside

Apparently, Victoria Beckham is so rich, she even gets publicity for free. No, honey, I'm not joking. And you won't believe who's talking now. My minions have confirmed over at Glamour magazine that Jennifer Lopez is indeed speaking for both herself and Posh, stating in a recent interview with afore mentioned magazine.
I was just talking about this with Victoria Beckham. Victoria said: ‘People would never guess you’re insecure. Are you? Because I know I am’. It was like she had to hear it from me. And I said: ‘Yeah, of course I am’. She said: ‘But you seem so confident’ and I said: ‘Because I am confident. It doesn’t mean I don’t have my moments. But you have to remember the value of your individuality - that you have something special and different to offer that nobody else can’. Victoria said: ‘Oh. I love hearing this. What you’re saying is so great!’.
Awww. I'm so glad that even celebrities can sound cheesy with empowerment talks. But the truth is, we all feel un-sexy sometimes. That's when, as every Southern Beau and Belle knows, you gotta throw on the sexy jeans and blow dry the hair bigger baby. When you don't feel like it, you fake it til you make it, sugar.

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